Elizabeth Daly
Any Shape or Form
Henry Gamadge #9
World War II has subsided at long last onto the ash-heap of history, but in mystery fiction it is eternally, blissfully, about 1926, meaning someone's getting murdered at a country estate. The estate in question belongs to the rich and genial Johnny Redfields, and the guest-list features his aunt Josephine and her two sullen step-children. Redfields had hoped to broker a peace-treaty, but it's not looking likely, particularly since Aunt Josephine has joined a cult, draped herself in flowing robes, and changed her name to "Vega." Also on the guest list is Henry Gamadge, happy to defuse the tension by steering Vega into the rose garden for a casual chat, and conveniently at hand when Vega, leaning winsomely against a tree, is shot in the head by someone with really good aim.
"One of the best of Miss Daly's excellent mysteries"—New York Herald Tribune
Who's likely to like this: Fans of Margery Allingham and Agatha Christie
2011 • Fiction/Mystery • 224 pages • ISBN: 9781934609729