Ngaio Marsh
Singing in the Shrouds
Inspector Alleyn #20
$ 9.99
The good ship Cape Farewell is steaming out to sea, with a passenger-list and crew fairly littered with the shifty, the twitchy, the peculiar, and the up-to-no-good. Arguably the up-to-no-goodest is a strangler with a romantic streak: He likes to leave his ladies with a flower and a charming little song. The latest of the ladies is currently lying on a fogbound London dock, mute witness to the fact that Inspector Alleyn—long on the strangler’s trail—has so far failed to catch his man. A wintertime sailing on a low-rent cargo ship is not Alleyn’s idea of a terrific time, but he nevertheless boards the Cape at Portsmouth, determined that no one else is going to get strangled on his watch. Singing in the Shrouds presents an unusual serial killer plot for Marsh and Inspector Alleyn.
"Ngaio Marsh at her intelligent best" —Times Literary Supplement
Who's likely to like this: Fans of Margery Allingham and the golden age of detection
2014 • Fiction/Mystery • 240 pages • ISBN: 9781631940170