L.C. Tyler
Ten Little Herrings
Ethelred and Elsie #2
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When we last saw Ethelred Tressider, at the end of The Herring Seller's Apprentice, he was pulling a disappearing act, eager to pack in his career as a mediocre mystery-writer, and happy to leave his (deservedly) long-suffering agent, Elsie, holding the bag. But any bag that Elsie holds will soon be brimful of chocolates, and as Ten Little Herrings opens, she is tracking Ethelred to his secret lair, which turns out to be a run-down French hotel hosting a stamp-collectors’ conference. A murder (quelle surprise!) ensues, and, as the title (a nod to Agatha Christie and her famous Ten Little Indians) suggests, the whole thing turns into a blissfully funny parody of classic British crime fiction. This second novel in LC Tyler's Ethelred and Elsie series was nominated for an Edgar Award.
"Tyler juggles characters, story, wit, and clever one-liners with perfect balance"—Times of London
Who's likely to like this: Fans of the Golden Age of mystery and truly intelligent cozies
2010 • Fiction/Mystery • 240 pages • ISBN: 9781934609521