Ngaio Marsh
Artists in Crime
Inspector Alleyn #6
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In the world of film, it’s known as a “meet cute.” But for Inspector Alleyn and Miss Agatha Troy, it’s more like irritation: On the ship back to England after Alleyn's visit to New Zealand (see Vintage Murder), she finds him tedious and dull; he thinks she’s a bohemian cliché. They may be destined for romance, but there’s a murder in the way: No sooner has Alleyn settled in to his mother’s house, eager for a relaxing end to his vacation, than he gets a call that a model has been stabbed at the artists’ community down the road. And wouldn’t you know it: The artistic Miss Troy is one of the community’s most prominent—and outspoken—members. This is the novel in which Ngaio Marsh introduces Inspector Alleyn to his future wife, painter Agatha Troy, who will go on to be a key character in a number of future mysteries.
"Ngaio Marsh transcended the detective genre by the power of her writing and the rich variety of characters who people her novels"—P.D. James
Who's likely to like this: Fans of Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, and the Golden Age of Mystery Fiction
2012 • Fiction/Mystery • 306 pages • ISBN: 9781937384272