Shamini Flint
Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder
Inspector Singh #1
The portly, methodical Inspector Singh is a thorn in the side of his bosses on the Singapore police department, so they send him off to Malaysia to monitor the trial of Chelsea Liew, a Singaporean beauty queen accused of killing her abusive millionaire ex-husband. The plot, revolving around the difference between secular and Islamic custody laws, is unexpectedly intricate and surprising. But the keenest pleasures of this book center on Inspector Singh, and his attempts to see justice served while somehow maneuvering around his excessively zealous sergeant, keeping his white sneakers clean, and scoring the occasional tasty snack. This novel is the first in Shamini Flint's Inspector Singh series of mysteries set in various Asian locales and featuring a Sikh detective.
"It's impossible not to warm to the portly, sweating, dishevelled, wheezing Inspector Singh from the start of this delightful debut novel"—The Guardian
Who's likely to like this: Fans of Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency and Colin Cotterill's series featuring Dr. Siri Paiboun
2011 • Fiction/Mystery • 272 pages • ISBN: 9781934609897