[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e don’t want to let the boys have all the fun, so this week, there’s a special two-part quiz. Today’s topic: Tough Chicks. Some of these are gimmes, but a few, we think, will stump all but the mavens among you.
1. In Carol O’Connell’s series that begins with Mallory’s Oracle, what is Mallory’s first name?
2. In the Jane Whitefield series, by Thomas Perry, Jane offers a gift by way of thanks at the conclusion of every successful endeavor. What’s the gift?
3. PI work doesn’t always pay the rent, so sometimes Carlotta Carlyle – as penned by Linda Barnes - picks up a little extra work to make ends meet. What’s her side-gig, and where does she practice it?
4. In 1977, Marcia Muller introduced Sharon McCone, ushering in the age of the hard-boiled girl PI. (For what it’s worth, Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Milhone would not make her debut for another five years.) In the first book of the series, Edwin of the Iron Shoes, “Edwin” witnesses a murder but can’t speak about it. Why not?
5. Laura Lippman began writing the Tess Monaghan series while working as a journalist for what newspaper?
6. Sara Paretsky’s V.I. Warshawski is the daughter of a Chicago cop. Where did her mother come from?